woensdag 17 maart 2010

Payment function on microSD card for mobile smartphones #Mediause

The microSD card looks and works like a regular memory card, but contains a SmartXP chip grom NXP for the payment functions, according to the manufactory. The card may include financial information and also had security software to protect the user’s personal information. First Data will provide the microSD card, while the software is of typhoons.

Thus no credit card of real money but a cell-phone to pay for your new t-shirt or shoes, there was a time when we just dialed a number and called a friend or relative to ask how he was. Those times are over, a good cell-phone nowadays can browse on the internet, replace your mp4 player, makes quality pictures and pay for the dinner you just had at your local restaurant.

vrijdag 5 maart 2010

Social networks#Mediause

Social networks are big businesses nowadays, billons of Euros are spend on these digital environments. We are always busy with work, school, working out, shopping and so on, that we don’t have time to relax. Besides our busy day schedules we want to see our friends also. Problem nowadays is that we got a lot of friends but not a lot of time to see them on a weekly base. So the social network popup, which is great because now you can see your friends digitally and you don’t have be a shame if you don’t see them for a will in real live.

So, we start singing in on Hyves, Face book and twitter, than you got your blog´s to worry about, one for your gaming geek friends and another one for your school mates who are also following Media use. Lives great, but them you got maintain all your accounts and social contacts by ´Twittering´, ´Tikken´ or ´Krabbelen´. So now you got less time to do the other important stuff like doing your homework, writing your papers, working-out and going out.

Then someone creates a tool `The suicide Machine` to commit suicide on your digital social network life and then someone really does it and says that they feel free again. But when you think about it we are all junkies who are addicted to being online (myself included). I can’t imagine my life without internet, in special the social parts of it. So junkies we are……

So, are these social networks a hype or here to stay? Frankly I don’t know the answer to that question….. Time will tell I guess, but they are handy for now.